Quantal Response Equilibrium – A Stochastic Theory of Games (with C. A. Holt and T. R. Palfrey) Princeton University Press, June 2016, ISBN: 9780691124230.
Publications since 2005
1. "The Exposure Problem and Market Design" (with L. Lindsay), The Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming.
2. "Designing Environmental Markets for Trading Catch Shares" (with M. Bichler, D. Ferrel and V. Fux), INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 2019, 49(5), 324-337.
3. "Designing combinatorial exchanges for the reallocation of resource rights" (with M. Bichler and V. Fux), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, January 2019, 116(3), 786-791.
4. “Linear Payment Rules for Combinatorial Exchanges” (with M. Bichler and V. Fux) INFORMS Information Systems Research, 29(4), December 2018, 1024-1043.
5. "What makes voters turn out: The effects of polls and beliefs" (with M. Agranov, J. Romero and L. Yariv) Journal of the European Economic Association, June 2018, 16(3), 825-856.
6. “Noisy Introspection in the 11-20 Game” (with P. Louis and J. Zhang) Economic Journal, 128, June 2018, 1509-1530.
7. "Synergistic valuations and efficiency in spectrum auctions" (with A. Goetzendorff and M. Bichler), Telecommunications Policy, February 2018, 42(1), 91-105.
8. “Frontiers in Spectrum Auction Design” (with M. Bichler) International Journal for Industrial Organization, International Journal for Industrial Organization, 50, 2017, 372-391.
9. “An Experimental Examination of the Volunteer’s Dilemma” (with C. A. Holt and A. M. Smith) Games and Economic Behavior, 102, March 2017, 303-315.
10. “One Man, One Bid” (with J. Zhang) Games and Economic Behavior (special issue in honor of John O. Ledyard), 101, January 2017, 151-171.
11. “Reduced Form Implementation for Environments with Value Interdependencies ,” (with A. Kushnir) Games and Economic Behavior, 99, September 2016, 250-256.
12. “Market Design and the Stability of General Equilibrium” (with L. Lindsay), Journal of Economic Theory, 165, September 2016, 37-68.
13. “On the Impossibility of Core-Selecting Auctions” (with Y. Lien) Theoretical Economics, 11(1), January 2016, 41-52.
14. “Conformity in the Lab ” (with L. Yariv) Journal of the Economic Science Association, 1(1), July 2015, 15-28.
15. “Communication & Competition” (with J. Zhang) Experimental Economics, 17(3), September 2014, 421-438.
16. “An Equilibrium Analysis of the Simultaneous Ascending Auction” (with Y. Lien) Journal of Economic Theory, 153, September 2014, 506-533.
17. “Simple Auctions for Complex Sales” (with M. Bichler, S. Mayer, and P. Shabalin) Telecommunications Policy, 38(7), August 2014, 613-622.
18. “Demand Reduction and Preemptive Bidding in Multi-Unit Auctions” (with T. Offerman and R. Sloof) Experimental Economics, 16(1), March 2013, 52-87.
19. “On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant-Strategy Implementation ” (with A. Gershkov, A. Kushnir, B. Moldovanu, and X. Shi) Econometrica, 81(1), January 2013, 197-220.
20. “Stable Allocations and Market Design ” (with Y. Chen) Nature, 492, December 2012, 54-55.
21. “An Experimental Study of Collective Deliberation” (with L. Yariv) Econometrica, 79(3), May 2011, 893-921.
22. “Stationary Concepts for Experimental 2 x 2 Games ” (with C. Brunner and C. Camerer) American Economic Review, 101, April 2011, 1029-1040.
23. “Hierarchical Package Bidding: A Paper & Pencil Combinatorial Auction” (with C. Holt), Games and Economic Behavior, 70(1), September 2010, 146-169.
24. “An Experimental Study of Auctions versus Grandfathering to Assign Pollution Permits” (with D. Burtraw, C. Holt, K. Palmer, and W. Shobe), Journal of the European Economic Association, 8(2-3), April 2010, 514-525.
25. “An Experimental Analysis of Auctioning Emissions Allowances under a Loose Cap” (with D. Burtraw, C. Holt, E. Myers, K. Palmer, and W. Shobe) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 39(2), April 2010, 162-175.
26. “The 1/d Law of Giving” (with M. McConnell, T. Mitchell, T. Tromp, and L. Yariv) American Economic Journal: Micro-Economics, 2(1), February 2010, 183-203.
27. “An Experimental Test of Flexible Combinatorial Spectrum Auction Formats” (with C. Brunner, C. Holt, and J. Ledyard) American Economic Journal: Micro-Economics, 2(1), February 2010, 39-57.
28. “Risky Procurement with an Insider Bidder” (with J. Boone, R. Chen, and A. Polydoro) Experimental Economics, 12(4), December 2009, 417-436.
29. “In Search of Stars: An Experimental Study of Endogenous Network Formation” (with A. Riedl and A. Ule) Games and Economic Behavior, 67(2), November 2009, 445-466.
30. “Vertical Integration of Successive Monopolists: A Classroom Experiment” (with N. Badasyan, M. Hartmann, C. Holt, J. Morgan, T. Rosenblat, M. Servatka, D. Yandell) Perspectives on Economic Education Research, 5(1), Spring 2009.
31. “Collusion in Auctions for Emission Permits: An Experimental Study” (with D. Burtraw, C. Holt, E. Myers, K. Palmer, and W. Shobe) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 28(4), 2009, 672-691.
32. “Optimal Privatization Using Qualifying Auctions” (with J. Boone) Economic Journal, 119, January 2009, 277-297.
33. “Information Aggregation in Standing and Ad Hoc Committees” (with N. Ali, N. Kartik, and T. Palfrey) American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), 98(2), May 2008, 181-186.
34. “Price Floors and Competition” (with M. Duwfenberg, U. Gneezy, and R. Nagel) Economic Theory, 33(1), October 2007, 211-224.
35. “Self-Correcting Information Cascades” (with R. McKelvey, T. Palfrey, and B. Rogers) Review of Economic Studies, 74(3), July 2007, 733-762.
36. “Welfare Reducing Polls” (with J. Grosser) Economic Theory, 31(1), April 2007, 51-68.
37. “Social Learning with Private and Common Values” (with B. Rogers and T. Palfrey) Economic Theory, 28(2), June 2006, 245-264.
38. “Using First-Price Auctions to Sell Heterogeneous Licenses” (with T. Offerman and A. Schram) International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24, March 2006, 555-581.
39. “Regular Quantal Response Equilibrium” (with C. Holt and T. Palfrey) Experimental Economics, 8, December 2005, 347-367.
40. “How (Not) To Raise Money” (with E. Maasland, S. Onderstal, and J. Turner) Journal of Political Economy, 113(4), August 2005, 897-918.
41. “An Explanation of Anomalous Behavior in Models of Political Participation” (with C. Holt) American Political Science Review, 99(2), May 2005, 201-213.
42. “An Experimental Study of Costly Coordination” (with C. Holt) Games and Economic Behavior (special issue in honor of Richard McKelvey), 51(2), May 2005, 349-364.
43. “Experience-Based Discrimination” (with R. Fryer and C. Holt) Journal of Economic Education, 36(2), Spring 2005, 160-170.
Book Chapters since 2008
1. "Stochastic Game Theory for Social Science: A Primer on Quantal Response Equilibrium" (with C. A. Holt and T. R. Palfrey), Handbook of Experimental Game Theory Experiments, 2020.
2. "Improving on Simple Majority Voting by Alternative Voting Mechanisms" (with P. Louis, and J. Zhang), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, January 2020.
3. "Rank-dependent choice equilibrium: a non-parametric generalization of QRE" (with C. A. Holt, P. Louis, T. R. Palfrey and B. Rogers), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics, 2019, Edward Elgar Publishing.
4. “Preface” (with M. Bichler), Handbook of Spectrum Auction Design, Cambridge University Press, 2017, viii-xviii.
5. “ACE: A Combinatorial Market Mechanism” (with L. Fine, T. Ishikida, and J. O. Ledyard), Handbook of Spectrum Auction Design, Cambridge University Press, 2017, Chapter 40, 875-902.
6. “Outlook” (with M. Bichler), Handbook of Spectrum Auction Design, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 903-911.
7. “Price Discovery in Emissions Permit Auctions” (with D. Burtraw, C. Holt, E. Myers, K. Palmer, and W. Shobe) Research in Experimental Economics: Experiments on Energy, the Environment, and Sustainability, Eds. Mark Isaac and Douglas Norton, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 14, 2011, 11-36.
8. “Quantal Response Equilibrium” (with C. Holt and T. Palfrey) invited contribution to the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, Editors Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
9. “Predatory Pricing: Rare Like a Unicorn?” (with R. Gomez and C. Holt) in Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, C. Plott and V. Smith, eds., Amsterdam: Elsevier, Volume 1, 2008, 178-184.
10. “Logit Equilibrium Models of Anomalous Behavior” (with S. Anderson and C. Holt) in Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, C. Plott and V. Smith, eds., Amsterdam: Elsevier, Volume 1, 2008, 549-558.